The Datum
Common Area
Interior Walkway
Exterior Perspective
 The design reflects the experience of the individual within the larger community setting. Their movement strings together these fragmented spaces as they fulfill and compose their purpose within the grand scheme.
The Datum
The Datum

Third Year l Second Semester l 2020

Team Members: Daniel Porwoll, Amanda Scott, Brennan Tyler

An office complex on the capitol grounds of Bismarck North Dakota - Proposal for the 2020 Dennis and Mary Kay Lanz Design Competition.

Common Area
Common Area

Rendering by Daniel Porwoll

Interior Walkway
Interior Walkway

Rendering by Daniel Porwoll

Exterior Perspective
Exterior Perspective

Rendering by Daniel Porwoll

 The design reflects the experience of the individual within the larger community setting. Their movement strings together these fragmented spaces as they fulfill and compose their purpose within the grand scheme.

The design reflects the experience of the individual within the larger community setting. Their movement strings together these fragmented spaces as they fulfill and compose their purpose within the grand scheme.